How to write a Lana Del Rey Song in 60 seconds


okay i'm going to teach you how to write lana del rey's song in 60 seconds
so choose some chords
nothing crazy just maybe something about
moody and at the heart of every lana del rey song is a flawed relationship
so my floor today i'm choosing is gambling. you can choose alcohol drugs anything you like

and then default my baby and then an action so

1 my baby took me downtown

explain his floor

2 he'd smoke cigarettes while drinking whiskey just to see me frown

and then in true lana del rey fashion you say
"but i don't care because he loves me"
and you can slip in a food reference so

3 but he calls me darling, sugar, honey so i don't mind

and then take it back to the floor in a cliche so

4 that's on my heart all evening, my gambling man

and you've just wrote the beginning of a Lana Del Rey song

I was ready to hate this as a Lana Stan, but this is so accurate 😂