Rage Racer

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 Hoje trago para vocês uma das melhores memórias de minha infância.

Sempre que pensamos em Ridge Racer, já nos vem a cabeça aquele jogo com pegada arcade e drifts insanos característicos da série. Porém, em seu terceiro jogo para o Playstation, a Namco trouxe algumas inovações e fez desse um dos melhores títulos da série.

Lançado no Japão no final de 1996 para o Playstation, Rage Racer é um jogo de corrida produzido e publicado pela Namco, e faz parte da famosa série de jogos Ridge Racer, que até hoje recebe novos títulos, mesmo que sem a euforia de antigamente.

O jogo se diferencia de seus antecessores por trazer pela primeira vez um sistema de progressão para a série: O jogador deve competir em diversos GPs para avançar no ranking e ganhar dinheiro (aqui chamados de eg) para melhorar seus veículos. Rage Racer também trás uma diferença nos gráficos da série, que aqui ficaram mais sérios.

Apesar de minima, essas diferenças já tornam o jogo um pouco mais  atrativo para jogadores que procuram uma experiencia um pouco mais sólida em jogos de corrida. Mesmo não sendo um simulador completo, o jogo agora deixava de lado um pouco da mecânica de arcade presentes em seus antecessores.

Como novidade, o jogo foi o primeiro da série a ter uma introdução totalmente feita em CGI que nos apresentou oficialmente a Reiko Nagase, personagem que seria deflagrado como mascote da série.

Como era comum na época, Rage Racer não conta com uma grande variedade de circuitos: apenas 4 se não contarmos as variações de sentido; também possui 13 veículos diferentes de transmissão automática e manual que podiam ser adquiridos ao decorrer do jogo

Rage Racer é um jogo curto, e tem suas corridas divididas entre os GP regulares: que possuem 5 classes, cada uma mais difícil que a anterior; e o Extra GP: que possui 6 classes, sendo as 5 primeiras apenas uma variação com o sentido do circuito invertido. Embora seja um jogo curto, o seu fator de replay é altíssimo, pois por conta de como o jogo flui, você sempre irá voltar para mais um pouco.

Outro ponto do jogo que vale destaque é sua trilha sonora: produzida e composta por Tetsukazu Nakanishi e Hiroshi Okubo ela segue a linha mais eletrônica, algo que estava em alta nos anos 90. Mesmo nunca tendo recebido um lançamento oficial, o CD do jogo pode ser reproduzido em players convencionais. A trilha também foi responsável pelo inicio da Namco Sound Team, banda da casa que viria a trabalhar em outros jogos da empresa.

Por conta de todos esses pontos, o jogo sempre muito bem recebido pelas criticas especializadas e com certeza fez parte da biblioteca de muitos gamers dos anos 90.


Fonte: https://gamesandcigarettes.com/2018/02/28/rage-racer-ps1/


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"Anyone can race, but only one can win." - japanese cover tag line.

Rage Racer is the third title in the Ridge Racer series of racing games released on the Sony PlayStation, following Ridge Racer Revolution and succeeded by R4: Ridge Racer Type 4. Created and published by Namco, was first released in Japan on 1996 and later, on America and Europe through 1997.

Visually the game takes a different approach compared to the previous PlayStation Ridge Racer games; looks more realistic and has a darker colour scheme, taking a lot of this from the arcade game Rave Racer. For the first time in series, Rage Racer introduces a brand new advanced single player career system which uses credits that player can get after winning races, then it can be used to buy cars or upgrading cars.


Flow of the game

The start line. Lakeside Gate course.

The racing is separated into five classes, named 'Class 1' through to 'Class 5'. The game's objective is to earn money (Credits, or 'eg'), which can be spent on new cars or on upgrading existing cars. There are three races in Grade 1 and Grade 2 - Mythical Coast, Over Pass City and Lakeside Gate. The Extreme Oval is introduced from Class 3. The game begins with the player in Class 1 with the Gnade Esperanza, the game's only Grade 1 car. The player must place in the top three in all of each Classes' events to progress to the next class. Each class has 3 chances to try. This is different than the early Ridge Racer when the player can have unlimited restarts. The player must retire from the Grand Prix if all 3 chances had been tried and failed to get into the top 3 position. All of the money and cars that the player won stays, but the medals would be lost. If the player wins all three races in a class using the correct grade of car (e.g. a Grade 1 car in Class 1), the gold trophy for that class is earned. Otherwise, the player simply moves on to the next class. When the player has completed the five 'Normal GP' events, the 'Extra GP' is unlocked. This allows the player to race the same Classes on reversed courses. As well as unlocking the Extra GP, the player receives 999,999,999 e.g. in Normal GP - more than enough to purchase all of the cars and upgrade them to Grade 5. Upon finishing Class 5 in the Extra GP, Class 6 is unlocked, along with the three 'secret' cars. Although it's in the Extra GP, the races in Class 6 are driven on the forward tracks. Class 6 features only four opponents rather than the eleven faced in all other classes.


First person view during a race in Mythical Coast course.

Rage Racer has four tracks, which all can be driven backwards as well as forwards. Compared to the tracks in the previous games, Rage Racer tracks are very long and detailed, except for "The Extreme Oval", at 3,074m. The remaining 3 tracks are "Mythical Coast" (4,641m), "Over Pass City" (6,640m) and "Lakeside Gate" (6,237m). Rage Racer was also one of the only games in the series that did not feature an onscreen map during the race. "Mythical Coast" has a varied range of corners and hills, and suits an all-round vehicle such as the Gnade Esperanza. "Over Pass City" features many steep inclines, and suits the high acceleration Lizard vehicles. "Lakeside Gate" is a technical, twisting course, to which the quick handling Age cars are best suited. "The Extreme Oval" is a flat out oval with wide banked turns. The high speed Assoluto cars are most at home on this track.


There are four car manufacturers in Rage Racer. Each of the four manufacturers favours a different attribute. Age cars are lightweight, and feature excellent handling. Lizard cars favour large displacement engines with high torque outputs which give their cars great acceleration. Assoluto cars are designed with maximum power and top speed in mind. The sole Gnade car, the Esperanza, is an all rounder with average stats in each area. With the exception of Gnade, each manufacturer has three 'standard' cars, and one 'secret' car. Age's three 'standard' cars are the Erriso (Alouette in Japanese version) at Grade 2, the Abeille at Grade 3 and the Pegase at Grade 4. Gnade's only car is the Esperanza. This is the first car you are given at the beginning of the game, and starts at Grade 1. Lizard produces the Acceron at Grade 2, the Bayonet at Grade 3 and the Hijack at Grade 4. Assoluto's cars are the Grade 3 Fatalita, the Istante at Grade 4, and the Ghepardo at Grade 5. All of the 'standard' cars can be upgraded, with the cost increasing greatly from one grade to the next. The highest level to which the cars can be upgraded is Grade 5. This means the Assoluto Ghepardo cannot be upgraded, as it is a Grade 5 car as standard.

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This is the first game in the Ridge Racer series that permits the player to race with a truck, but it only comes with manual transmission. The only truck in this game is the Lizard Hijack, and is available from Class 4 in the game. In the extra Grand prix, there is an extra Grade 6 class where you can buy 'secret' cars. These cars are called the Age Vainqure [2,000,000 eg], Lizard Bulldog [3,700,000 eg] and the Assoluto Squaldon [6,666,666 e.g., an allusion to the Squaldon's 'Devil car' status]. The Age can go around most of the game's corners flat out at the car's top speed, the Lizard can accelerate up steep inclines as if they weren't there, and the Assoluto has a top speed in excess of 360 km/h. The 'secret' cars are known by different names in the Japanese version of the game. The Vainqure is called the 'Victoire', the Bulldog the 'Tempest', and the Squaldon the 'Dragone'.

The Makes are particular for different courses. Age is for "Lakeside Gate", Lizard is for "Over Pass City", Gnade is for "Mythical Coast" and Assoluto is for "The Extreme Oval".

Prologues differences between Japanese and North America version

At the very beginning of the whole series (either regular GP or extra GP), there will be a prologue movie for the player to see before the race menu appears. However, the Japanese version and the North America version are different. The Japanese version will have the female voice and the paragraphs are longer but the North America version will not have the female voice and the paragraphs are shorter.

Grand Prix classes and names

  • Regular Grand Prix: (raced in original direction)
    • Class 1: Calme GP
    • Class 2: Brise GP
    • Class 3: Rafale GP
    • Class 4: Mistral GP
    • Class 5: Tempete GP
  • Extra GP: (raced in reverse direction)
    • Class 1: Aisance GP
    • Class 2: Agitation GP
    • Class 3: Irritation GP
    • Class 4: Colere GP
    • Class 5: Rage GP
  • Final special class: (raced in forward direction)
    • Class 6: Diable GP


Cars list and costs

Gnade (Germany)

  • Gnade Esperanza (Grade 1) (This car is given in the beginning of the game.)

Age (France)

  • Age Erriso (Alouette in JPN version) (Grade 2) - 2,600 e.g.
  • Age Abeille (Grade 3) - 14,500 e.g.
  • Age Pegase (Grade 4) - 143,300 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)

Lizard (U.S.A.)

  • Lizard Acceron (Instinct in JPN version) (Grade 2) - 4,000 e.g.
  • Lizard Bayonet (Grade 3) - 15,200 e.g.
  • Lizard Hijack (Grade 4) - 136,700 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)

Assoluto (Italy)

  • Assoluto Fatalita (Grade 3) - 20,000 e.g.
  • Assoluto Istante (Grade 4) - 151,600 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)
  • Assoluto Ghepardo (Grade 5) - 695,900 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)

The secret cars

  • Age Vainqure (Victoire in JPN version) (Grade ?) - 2,143,500 e.g.
  • Lizard Bulldog (Tempest in JPN version) (Grade ?) - 2,836,800 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)
  • Assoluto Squaldon (Dragone in JPN version) (Grade ?) - 6,666,666 e.g. (Only provided with manual transmission)


Reiko welcomes the players.

In an interview with the Namco development team, Nobuhisa Mikoda (Rage Racer game designer and project director) admitted that the game was "somewhat off series and aimed to pursue enjoyment in shift controlling".[1]

Rage Racer was the first in the Ridge Racer series to feature a CGIanimated introduction. Here the Ridge Racer "mascot girl" Reiko Nagase was introduced for the very first time.[2]

This game uses the same game's covers for both the Japanese version and the North America version.



  1. Menu theme
  2. Rage Racer
  3. Story
  4. Mathemabeat
  5. Lightning Luge
  6. Industria
  7. Hurricane Hub
  8. Mech Monster
  9. Silver Stream
  10. Stimulation
  11. Volcano Vehicle
  12. Deep Drive (unlockable by obtaining 5 gold trophies)

There was never an "official" direct-audio soundtrack released for this game unlike its prequels, Ridge Racer, Ridge Racer 2, and Rave Racer, which all had soundtracks on Victor Records in Japan before the Playstation was released in the United States, but it's possible to listen to it by inserting the game CD, which is a CD-ROM XA disc, into any CD player.

Produced and compossed by Tetsukazu Nakanishi and Hiroshi Okubo during summer/fall 1996, the genre of music consisted mostly of 90's electronica and drum'n bass, which was a slight departure from the euro-dance/club styles that early Ridge Racer. It marked the beginning of Namco's new primary Sound Team after their former members began working with other companies doing production on games such as Street Fighter EX (1996) and Driving Emotion Type-S (2000).


The game was received with generally favorable critics, holding 82.70% in GameRankings.[3] Game Revolution gave a "B" rating, considering it a solid arcade racing game with great scenery and pumping, but citing lack of variety and creativity in the courses.[4] GameSpot granted a 7.6, described it as an outstanding sequel, but with poor unrealistic collision problems with the cars.[5] IGN rating the game with 7.0, recommended the game to Ridge Racer fans, but they commented that the new features in the game has been seen before in other racing titles.[6] Other reviews praised the new progress system in the Grand Prix mode, music, amount of cars and updatings.


Fonte: https://ridgeracer.fandom.com/wiki/Rage_Racer

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Unlimited money

Complete the Normal GP mode game (all classes) and allow the credits to complete. Then, save the game in a new slot. Play Extra GP mode, class 1, and select the only car available. Select the "Race Start" option and press Start during the countdown prior to the start of the race. Select the "Retire" option to quit without using an attempt. Now enter Normal GP mode again, and select class 1 for unlimited money.

Reversed tracks

Select the "Race Start" option and hold L1 + R1 + Select + Start until the race begins. Then, the track will be a mirror image of the originally selected track.

Additional paint colors


While painting your logo, move the pointer out of the painting area. Then, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select. Now additional boxes labeled R, G, and B will appear on the right side of the painting area. The numbers represent the amount of that hue (red, green, or blue) for the specific color on which the cursor is resting. Press Left or Right and R1 + Up or R1 + Down to change colors. Repeatedly tap Select when the RGB boxes are on the screen to display the guide markers in the painting area.

Paint zoom

Move the cursor onto the painting area and press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select. A targeting cross-hair will appear in the smaller picture view area.

Rotate logo

Keep the cursor in the logo painting area and hold L1 + R1 + D-pad to rotate and flip your logo.

Rear view mirror

Pause the game and press Triangle + L1 or Triangle + R1 to remove the rear view mirror. Repeat the code to restore the mirror.

Alter track view

While in the track select screen, press L1 + R1 to spin the car and track faster or slower.

Alter car view

While in the car select screen, press L2 + R2 to steer the front wheels.


Game Shark Codes



Joker Command D007BE48 ????
Infinite Money 8019C610 C9FF
8019C612 3B9A
Infinite Race Tries 801E3FFA 0005
Always Place 1st 8009E53C 0001
Infinite Time 8009ACA4 06C5
Nitro Boost [Note] D01E4072 0020
8009E52E 0FFF
Grand Prix  
Have ERRISO 801E4C50 0100
Have ABEILLE 801E4C58 0100
Have PEGASE 801E4C60 0100
Have ACCERON 801E4C70 0100
Have BAYONET 801E4C78 0100
Have HIJACK 801E4C80 0100
Have FATALITA 801E4C88 0100
Have ISTANTE 801E4C90 0100
Have GHEPARDO 801E4C98 0100
Have VAINQURE 801E4CA0 0100
Have BULLDOG 801E4CA8 0100
Have SQUALDON 801E4CB0 0100
Extra Grand Prix  
Have ERRISO 8019C620 0100
Have ABEILLE 8019C628 0100
Have PEGASE 8019C630 0100
Have ACCERON 8019C640 0100
Have BAYONET 8019C648 0100
Have HIJACK 8019C650 0100
Have FATALITA 8019C658 0100
Have ISTANTE 8019C660 0100
Have GHEPARDO 8019C668 0100
Have VAINQURE 8019C670 0100
Have BULLDOG 8019C678 0100
Have SQUALDON 8019C680 0100


Note: Release the gas and press Circle for a Nitro Boost.

Fonte: https://www.cheatcc.com/psx/codes/rager.html


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Rage Racer é um dos jogos de corrida do PS1 que mais gostei.
A trilha sonora e os gráficos das pistas e paisagens são os pontos altos do game! Já o sistema de colisões é sofrível, porcamente implementado.

Infelizmente pouca gente conheceu ele aqui. Foi bem na época da transicao do 2d TopGear para 3d Gran Turismo.
Quando o PS1 explodiu no Brasil, ja tinham jogos melhores q esse pra PS1. Gran Turismo e NFS Porsche dominavam.
O jogo tem bastante limitacao técnica, mas se fosse melhor lapidado com Mods, sequencia, seria ainda mais memorável.

Era legal pq dava pra ver claramente as limitacoes da transicao de tecnologia.
A jogabilidade assemelha-se a top gear, o desenho dos carros tambem, mas em graficos  3d já do PS1.
Os desenvolvedores estavam ainda aprendendo a lidar com o hardware.
São apenas 4-5 pistas só, vários carros para a época (13), mas com um fator replay viciante.

Para conseguir zerar (no emulador),  lembro q tive q aprender a passar as marchas manualmente, pois no automatico o carro nao tinha o desempenho suficiente em algumas corridas, mas com o carro inicial dava pra fazer upgrade e ir bem longe no campeonato.

Até alguns anos atras, quando pesquisei, nem referencia a ele na net tinha direito.

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