Goebbels would be proud

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As a result, (...) political prisoners in Brazil.


Part 1:

https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=5B7CrLX5fZY

The order to hand over all people present in the camp installed next to the Army HQ was issued by someone
who left a sense of humanity in the closet. There went old people, sick people, children and their mothers.
You don't have to think hard to realize this is wrong. I don't think something like this has ever been done in
cracolândias, to apprehend drugs and traffickers.

Inevitably, the detained crowd evoked the ominous image of a “concentration camp”. The
mistake, which triggered a series of operational – and human – problems was to consider criminal the simple
fact of someone camped in front of a military installation in protest against the sequence of actions whose final
product was (...).

It is an excess of self-esteem and a loss of sense of measure to be indignant and to react punitively to this
prolonged inactive irresignation. Why the hell are you ranting so hard against the visibility afforded by simple
passive presence, week after week?

Seeing them reminded me of Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King, who are far from being bad role
models. To be indignant and react to them is to despise human autonomy. Those who do this have an
excess of esteem for themselves and little esteem for humanity.

People should be free to protest peacefully and forever if they want to. This is what the Mothers of Plaza de
Mayo in Argentina did, always under state repression, for 30 years between 1976 and 2006, and the Ladies in
White in Cuba have been doing this for 20 years, as they march together, silently, to mass. There are examples
left and right.

It is useless to put a cork and seal divergent opinions with the seal of authority. At the weight and cost of sanctions,
unanswered questions may go unspoken, but they will persist in minds and echo through history. The same goes for
the questions that are asked today about the authorities' mysterious omissions in protecting the Esplanada dos

Source: https://www.jornaldacidadeonline.com.br/noticias/45329/no-qg-em-brasilia-estranhas-acoes-e-misteriosas-omissoes

Part 2:

https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=XhhasJ4QghE

The very strong account of a federal police officer about what he saw at the PF Academy in Brasília
“I just woke up, I had been at the PF Academy since the day before yesterday, summoned to support
the procedures.

Result, 1230 new political prisoners in Brazil.

'Crimes' with sentences of 15 years or more. All at once, in the same articles, without investigation,
without evidence and without individualization of conduct, that is, of 'who did what'.
Mostly decent humble people, entire families whose 'real crime' was just being camped in front of the army
HQ, believing they were protected by it, demonstrating for freedom.
But they were betrayed and 'delivered' precisely by 'Jews in uniform' who they believed were protecting

Accused of crimes that, for the most part, were committed by OTHER PEOPLE.

I would like every Brazilian who supports this ideological purge to be able to face the look of despair and
pleading on the faces of these simple people when they ask if they would really be arrested, fully aware that
they had not committed any crime and unable to believe that they would suffer an injustice of this size .

I SINCERELY hope that everyone who is laughing or supporting tyrannical actions like these are HARD
CHARGED by their consciences, now or when 'your turn comes', because it will come, don't be fooled,
because your turn WILL COME.

And when your turn comes, or your conscience 'takes a heavy toll', I hope that the sight of the face of a 57-
year-old, retired, simple woman, who was at the camp helping to cook for the others, and who learns that
she will go to a prison accused of 'crimes' with sentences that exceed 15 years, than the sight of her teary
eyes closing in a prayer whispered, I sincerely hope that every tear that ran silently down your face will burn you deep to the bone and weigh tons on your vile conscience.

You don't feed such a MONSTER without hoping that one day it will bite the hand that fed it.

Speechless, for someone who has worked more than twenty years dealing only with the worst kind of bums, these last two
days were the worst of my entire career, and one that I never expected to have to go through. I focused on rescuing everyone over
sixty from the barracks for a quick release. The worst was on the second day when only those under 60 were left. Sad. Then I tried
to select those who had proven comorbidities to also be released. The worst thing was seeing everyone else being invariably
arrested. I had a small idea of how Schindler felt. Sad. Retirement is now the way.

Our country is sick, seriously sick. Many have no idea what we are living. THE
record still hasn't dropped.

Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba are not enough, we are heading towards the 'Warsaw ghetto'. And fast, very fast.
When they start arresting everyone in a building because 'someone from the building' is wanted, maybe then we'll wake up.
That's exactly what they did.”

Source: https://www.jornaldacidadeonline.com.br/noticias/45336/o-fortissimo-relato-de-um-policial-federal-sobre-o-que-viu-na-academia-da-pf-em-brasilia